Friday, November 02, 2007

From Around the Net

Some of the articles I found on the net this time around are a week or two old, but I think they're good articles and still interesting.

Rambodoc posted an award winning design for an environmentally friendly city car of the future here. The car has details you won't believe possible -- but the technology is entirely feasible.

Susan blogs on an American school that has banned hugs here. The school apparently can't distinguish between a hug and sexual harassment.

Nita writes here about the tendency in India to wedge children into the sciences even when the kids have no aptitude for them. Doubtless, this practice creates numerous adults who feel they are in the wrong careers.

Orcinus has an alarming investigative post here on how Latvian fundamentalists are coming to the United States specifically to attack gays -- often violently.

Amuirin has an intriguing post on the Days of the Dead celebration here. This was the first time the holiday made sense to me.

Enreal posts a poem on the aftermath of a relationship here. I thought it captured well how we all feel at some moments in the fallout from a failed relationship.

The Atheist Ethicist writes about the Maine decision to provide birth control upon demand to middle schoolers here. This decision has been sensationalized elsewhere, but the Ethicist looks at it with remarkable rationality.

Over at An Unquiet Mind, Mahendra has prompted one of the most interesting economic discussions I've seen in a while here with his post comparing the economies of Dubai and the States. The comments are extensive, but very much worth reading as several people with extensive information weigh in.

A photographer who goes by the name Markablue just began a photography blog here. Her main theme is nature and she starts off with an excellent selection of fall material that strikes me as very reflective.

Maha looks at corporate funding in American politics and finds good news: The Christian Right is being marginalized this election cycle. Story here.

Bill Hulet posts an exceptionally insightful essay on fundamentalism, reason and religion here. In this case, the religion in question is Daoism.

AOS asks whether reading a book matters if we forget that we've read it, he and comes up with an interesting take on that question here.

David defines genius in an amusing yet thoughtful way here.

After a hiatus of about two months, Brendan has started blogging again here.

Ybonesy posts an hilarious open letter to the makers of digital cameras here.

Eric writes about the neurochemistry of motherly love here.

I began with Rambodoc and will end this week's round up with him too. Here is an absolute must read post -- a gripping, true life account of his care for an aged patient written in beautiful prose.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention Paul. That did happen to be my most popular post that week!

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks, Paul!
You are being very generous with me!
I love ya!

Gary said...

I love your Around the Net feature. Thanks for doing the leg work and bringing these posts to our attention.

Paul Sunstone said...

You're welcome, Nita! I think your posts are consistently well above average. I don't know how you do it!

Rambodoc, I took the liberty of nominating your November 3rd post for the Blogger of the Day Award. If they don't give it to you, they're fools.

Thank you, Gary! I feel appreciated!