Sunday, March 11, 2007

Fine Things Come From the Store

Were you a gift?
Were you bought?
Did I steal?

Love should last a lifetime,
Don't you think?

That's what we shopped for.

Was not your virginity our warranty?

We do not much talk, you and I;
I think it would be crazy to struggle through...
Through a decision twice.

You are some very fine thing
That came from the store.

Be good. Don't break.
I'll love you 4-ever:
Through temptations, beyond betrayal;

Even through to leasing storage
In my heart
Beyond the interstate.

But were you a gift?
Were you bought?
Did I steal?


Unknown said...

This poem reminds me a little of my dad giving me the speech about buying the cow when my husband and I moved in together (before we were married). As if sex is a bargaining chip to make a man behave.

I like how you repeated the first stanza at the end to continue the question, unresolved.

Paul Sunstone said...

Thank you, Ordinary Girl! I'm very happy the poem reminds you of that. I was a bit concerned when I posted it this morning that the poem wasn't written well enough for anyone to get, but that shows me you got it. Thank you so much!