Sunday, May 27, 2007

An Impossible Alternative?

I have a guess. My guess is that so many Americans believed Iraq had something to do with 9/11 because to believe the alternative was more frightening. The alternative being that the president of their country was such an idiot as to invade a country that had nothing to do with the war he declared on terrorism.


Anonymous said...

Or maybe they didn't and just didn't say anything about it.

The Geezers said...

I think any mid-Eastern nation would have done for us at the moment. And since it provided Bush with an opportunity to pursue an agenda he was already planning.

We were ripe for the lie, and fell for it hook, line and sinker.

george.w said...

I find this with some Vietnam veterans, who cannot accept that the war may have been a tragic mistake. It's just too hard to face, and the investment leads to more tragedy. Barack Obama stepped on that particular political landmine recently.

Webs said...

Bush is no idiot, he had a purpose to the invasion. Declaring it part of the War on Terror was just a reason to get the masses to buy in. Everyone knows Iraq has done more to make us less safe, than more safe.

Anonymous said...

Setting aside the safety of America, let us consider the most understated fact of the war - the Iraqi's suffer more than we do.

Baudrillard touched upon this with the Gulf War in that the media can create our reality of the world when we cannot see it with our own two eyes.